3 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Information Enrichment for Self-healing Recommendation Systems of COVID-19 Patient

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    The global emergency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic does not yet have a registered drug. Many studies suggest strengthening the immune system in the human body as an alternative solution to treating Covid-19 before the discovery of drugs. This study reports on various types of potential treatments and factors associated with the immune response to the virus. The analysis shows that the effectiveness of the treatment depends on the current preferences of the Covid-19 patient. Therefore, this study aims to use crowdsourced fuzzy information enrichment through Self-healing Recommender Systems (ShRS) to provide recommendations for the best treatment therapy. It is hoped that the proper treatment therapy will cure the healing of Covid-19 patients who are self-isolating. To demonstrate the ShRS, an illustrative example was conducted. We used a crowdsourcing approach to generate treatment therapy recommendations in Bojonegoro, an area with a high number of Covid-19 cases in Indonesia. Most contextual input parameters such as age category, physical condition, and nutritional status are fuzzy. Therefore, we perform ShRS in proposing fuzzy inference to compute a new score/rank with each treatment pooled in it. The purpose of this study is to build a more practical recommendation system because the use of website applications and gadgets can open up opportunities for the public to contribute to human care. This study proposes a system to uncover the best options for healing people infected with Covid-19. It can help health practitioners and the general public cope with self-healing during a pandemic as an alternative lifesaver

    Pengembangan Skenario Kemampuan Bertahan UKM Terhadap Covid-19 Dalam Kerangka Kerja Social Commerce

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    Kelangsungan hidup Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) sangat terdampak oleh Pandemi COVID-19 karena model bisnis ini sangat bergantung pada hasil penjualan. Penurunan permintaan secara signifikan akan mengancam kelangsungan hidup UKM. Untuk mengatasi dampak tersebut, UKM perlu mempertimbangkan social commerce sebuah model baru dari e-commerce yang menurut berbagai penelitian menjadi platform untuk membantu bisnis terhubung dengan pelanggan dan mendapatkan keunggulan kompetitif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan skenario kemampuan bertahan UKM terhadap krisis keuangan akibat Pandemi COVID-19 berdasarkan kerangka kerja social commerce. Dalam mengembangkan scenario, penelitian ini berfokus pada komponen platform khususnya elemen information dan social-related activities kemudian komponen tersebut dipetakan dalam ITIL 4. Metode action research digunakan untuk menerapkan skenario pada UKM terdampak COVID-19 dan kemudian mengevaluasi bagaimana skenario tersebut dapat membantu UKM bertahan berdasarkan tolok ukur kinerja keuangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan seluruh aktifitas skenario yang diimplementasi dapat meningkatkan kinerja keuangan UKM. Selain itu, terdapat faktor diluar skenario social commerce seperti: diferensiasi produk, rotasi produksi, dan keterserdiaan stok. ======================================================================================================== The survival of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is greatly affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic because this business model is very dependent on sales flow. A significant decline in demand will threaten the survival of SMEs. To overcome this impact, SMEs need to consider social commerce, a new model of e-commerce that according to various studies is a platform to help businesses connect with customers and gain a competitive advantage. This study aims to develop a scenario for the survival of SMEs against the financial crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic based on the social commerce framework. In developing scenarios, this research focuses on platform components, especially elements of information and social-related activities, then these components are mapped in ITIL 4. The action research method is used to apply scenarios to SMEs affected by COVID-19 and then evaluates how these scenarios can help SMEs survive based on financial performance benchmarks. The results of the study show that all the implemented scenario activities can improve the financial performance of SMEs. In addition, there are factors other than the social commerce scenario, such as: product differentiation, production rotation, and stock availability

    Survivability Scenario of SMEs in Facing COVID-19 Crisis Based on the Social Commerce Framework

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    Government regulations that limit social and community activities to reduce the spread of COVID-19 have a very negative impact on the economy. This negative impact has a more profound effect on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) because their business models are highly dependent on sales flows. Falling demand will significantly threaten the survival of SMEs. To overcome this impact, SMEs need to consider digital technology to better market their products. Social commerce, a new e-commerce business model, is becoming an online sales platform that helps businesses connect with customers and gain a competitive edge. This study aimed to develop scenarios for the ability of SMEs to survive the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. We created scenarios based on a social commerce framework with four components: customer, platform, merchant, and context. These components were mapped in the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) 4 to obtain scenarios of practical and well-documented actions by SMEs affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This study used canonical action research to apply scenarios to an affected SME and then evaluated how these scenarios can help the SME survive based on its financial performance. This study proposes applicable social commerce scenarios to encourage the ability of SMEs to withstand the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic